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Search and delete messages from Exchange user mailboxes

Today’s article will show how to search and delete messages from Exchange user mailboxes. A user sent an email to the whole organization that contains more than a thousand users, with all of them having a mailbox. The task is to delete the email from every mailbox in the organization. How to search and delete messages from Exchange user mailboxes?


The only thing that we have is the subject of that email. Do you like to know how to get the subject of an email and delete that particular email from a mailbox? Read the article Search and delete email from Exchange user mailbox.

Export all users email addresses

Export all users with a mailbox to a CSV file. The CSV file will contain a list of all the email addresses. First, create a folder on your C: drive and name it temp. The folder will look like C:\temp\.

Run Exchange Management Shell as administrator. Run the cmdlet to get a list of all the email addresses of the users.

[PS] C:\>Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object DisplayName, SamAccountName, PrimarySmtpAddress | Sort-Object PrimarySmtpAddress | Export-Csv "c:\temp\user_mailboxes.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

Go to the CSV file and make sure that the attribute PrimarySmtpAddress shows up. It will display on the first line.

Search and delete messages from Exchange user mailboxes CSV file

You can edit the CSV file with Microsoft Excel and remove the users you don’t want to search on. In our example, we want all of the user mailboxes and leave it as is.

Import CSV file in PowerShell

Before running the cmdlet in the next step, import the CSV file in PowerShell. It’s an excellent way to check if it’s readable and if you’re all set.

Read more: Import CSV delimiter PowerShell »

[PS] C:\>Import-Csv "C:\temp\user_mailboxes.csv"

DisplayName              SamAccountName       PrimarySmtpAddress
-----------              --------------       ------------------
Administrator            Administrator
Tajran, Ali              Ali.Tajran 
Amanda Morgan            Amanda.Morgan
Nash, Amelia             Amelia.Nash
Campbell, Boris          Boris.Campbell
Christopher Payne        Christopher.Payne
Piper, Dylan             Dylan.Piper
Rees, Grace              Grace.Rees 
Springer, Irene          Irene.Springer
Teneres, Jasmina         Jasmina.Teneres
Fisher, Jonathan         Jonathan.Fisher
Davidson, Kylie          Kylie.Davidson
Clark, Leonard           Leonard.Clark
Fisher, Madeleine        Madeleine.Fisher
Walsh, Mary              Mary.Walsch
Fraser, Max              Max.Fraser 
Scott, Melanie           Melanie.Scott
Discovery Search Mailbox SM_5aab23c8c7d6435eb
Murray, Nicholas         Nicholas.Murray
Bower, Piers             Piers.Bower
Grant, Richard           Richard.Grant
Room Tokyo               roomtokyo  
Dickens, Ruth            Ruth.Dickens
Nolan, Sebastian         Sebastian.Nolan
Rees, Zoë                Zoe.Rees   

Search and delete messages from Exchange

The message that we like to delete from all Exchange user mailboxes is sent from Boris. The subject is: Saying goodbye is never easy.

Search and delete messages from Exchange user mailboxes before

Search and delete messages from CSV file

We want to search all the users in the CSV file and remove the email with that specific subject. Make sure that the -Force switch is added in the end. Otherwise, you have to keep confirming every mailbox.

[PS] C:\>Import-Csv "C:\temp\user_mailboxes.csv" | ForEach-Object {Search-Mailbox $_.PrimarySmtpAddress -SearchQuery 'Subject:"Saying goodbye is never easy"' -DeleteContent -Force}
WARNING: The Search-Mailbox cmdlet returns up to 10000 results per mailbox if a search query is specified. To return more than 10000 results, use the New-MailboxSearch cmdlet or the In-Place eDiscovery & Hold console
in the Exchange Administration Center.

RunspaceId       : 188c72af-79d0-4de8-b2bb-f4f5dda01814
Identity         : exoip.local/Users/Administrator
TargetMailbox    :
Success          : True
TargetFolder     :
ResultItemsCount : 1
ResultItemsSize  : 9.21 KB (9,431 bytes)

WARNING: The Search-Mailbox cmdlet returns up to 10000 results per mailbox if a search query is specified. To return more than 10000 results, use the New-MailboxSearch cmdlet or the In-Place eDiscovery & Hold console
in the Exchange Administration Center.
RunspaceId       : 188c72af-79d0-4de8-b2bb-f4f5dda01814
Identity         : exoip.local/Company/Users/IT/Ali Tajran
TargetMailbox    :
Success          : True
TargetFolder     :
ResultItemsCount : 1
ResultItemsSize  : 9.184 KB (9,404 bytes)

WARNING: The Search-Mailbox cmdlet returns up to 10000 results per mailbox if a search query is specified. To return more than 10000 results, use the New-MailboxSearch cmdlet or the In-Place eDiscovery & Hold console
in the Exchange Administration Center.
RunspaceId       : 188c72af-79d0-4de8-b2bb-f4f5dda01814
Identity         : exoip.local/Company/Users/Finance/Amanda Morgan
TargetMailbox    :
Success          : True
TargetFolder     :
ResultItemsCount : 1
ResultItemsSize  : 9.2 KB (9,421 bytes)

It did search and delete messages from Exchange user mailboxes specified in the CSV file.

Search and delete messages from all mailboxes

If you like to target all user mailboxes without a CSV file, use the Get-Mailbox cmdlet.

[PS] C:\>Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery 'Subject:"Saying goodbye is never easy"' -DeleteContent -Force
WARNING: The Search-Mailbox cmdlet returns up to 10000 results per mailbox if a search query is specified. To return more than 10000 results, use the New-MailboxSearch cmdlet or the In-Place eDiscovery & Hold console
in the Exchange Administration Center.

RunspaceId       : 188c72af-79d0-4de8-b2bb-f4f5dda01814
Identity         : exoip.local/Users/Administrator
TargetMailbox    :
Success          : True
TargetFolder     :
ResultItemsCount : 1
ResultItemsSize  : 9.21 KB (9,431 bytes)

RunspaceId       : 188c72af-79d0-4de8-b2bb-f4f5dda01814
Identity         : exoip.local/Company/Users/IT/Ali Tajran
TargetMailbox    :
Success          : True
TargetFolder     :
ResultItemsCount : 1
ResultItemsSize  : 9.184 KB (9,404 bytes)

RunspaceId       : 188c72af-79d0-4de8-b2bb-f4f5dda01814
Identity         : exoip.local/Company/Users/Finance/Amanda Morgan
TargetMailbox    :
Success          : True
TargetFolder     :
ResultItemsCount : 1
ResultItemsSize  : 9.2 KB (9,421 bytes)

It did search and delete messages from all Exchange user mailboxes.

Verify the results

Let’s have a look at Christopher’s mailbox. We can confirm that the message is deleted.

Search and delete messages from Exchange user mailboxes after

The message will not be sent to the deleted items folder. The only way to recover the message is through your backup software.

Recover deleted items

The message is deleted from all Exchange user mailboxes. Did this work for you?

Keep reading: Delete mailbox database in Exchange Server »


You learned how to search and delete messages from Exchange user mailboxes. Get the message subject that you want to delete. After that, run one of the cmdlets shown in the article to remove the message.

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ALI TAJRAN is a passionate IT Architect, IT Consultant, and Microsoft Certified Trainer. He started Information Technology at a very young age, and his goal is to teach and inspire others. Read more »

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Can you do a step by step for a scenario where a phishing email comes in and I want it removed based on keywords in the body like a name. In this example the spam email has no subject or just RE: and it went to a DL which then puts that email in several mailboxes. I’ve tried the MS commands for Searchcompliance but have found the commanline output does not match the EAC displayed items. Any help is appreciated!!

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