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Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file

In a previous article, we discussed how to export mailbox permissions to CSV file. This time, we want to export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file. We like to know which user has access to which folder and which permission level access they have to that folder. We will look into the mailbox folder permissions of a single user and all the users. In this article, you will learn how to export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file.


To let you understand what permissions are being exported, it’s better to have an example. Start Outlook and sign in as a user. In our case, it’s the user James.

Outlook Today (Top of Information Store) folder permissions

Right-click on the email address in the left sidebar and select Folder Permissions. That is the Outlook Today (Top of Information Store).

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file top folder permissions

We can see that the permission level Publishing Author is given to the user Anna.

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file top folder permissions publishing author

Inbox folder permissions

Right-click the Inbox folder and click Properties.

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file inbox properties

Click the Permissions tab. The permission level Reviewer is given to the user Boris.

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file inbox folder permissions reviewer

Management subfolder permissions

Right-click the Inbox folder and create a new folder. Name the subfolder Management. Right-click the created subfolder and click Properties.

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file management folder properties

Click on the Permissions tab. You can see that it’s inheriting the permissions from the parent folder. That’s because we created the subfolder after we configured the permissions. In our case, it’s the Inbox folder.

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file management folder permissions inherited

Add another user to the Management folder and give the permission level Contributor. In our example, Hannah is given the permissions level Contributor.

Sales subfolder permissions

Create one more subfolder. We are creating a subfolder with the name Sales. We don’t want to give permissions to that subfolder.

Note: The subfolder permissions are inherited from the parent folder if you create a new subfolder. The subfolder will look at the permissions of the parent folder. If you add permissions to the parent folder after you create the subfolder, the permissions of the subfolder will not inherit.

Right-click the Sales folder and click Properties.

Go to the Permissions tab. Remove the user Boris from permissions and click Apply. The names Default and Anonymous with permission level None are the default. Keep it like that.

We configured the following permissions on the folders:

  • Outlook Today (Top of Information Store) Publishing Author – Anna
  • InboxReviewer – Boris
  • ManagementReviewer – Boris
  • ManagementContributor – Hannah
  • SalesDefault

In the next step, we will look into the mailbox folder permissions PowerShell script.

Export mailbox folder permissions PowerShell script

Download the Get-MailboxPermissionsReport.ps1 PowerShell and save the file in the C:\scripts folder. If you don’t have a scripts folder, create one.

Ensure the file is unblocked to prevent errors when running the script. Read more in the article Not digitally signed error when running PowerShell script.

Another option is to copy and paste the below code into Notepad. Give it the name Get-MailboxPermissionsReport.ps1 and place it in the C:\scripts folder.


    The script will export all mailbox folder permissions to CSV file.


    Written by: ALI TAJRAN

    V1.00, 01/08/2020 - Initial version

param (
    [string]$Identity = "*", # Default value is "*" (all users)
    [string]$OutputFile = "C:\temp\MailboxPermissions.csv"

# Fetch mailboxes of type UserMailbox only
$Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails 'UserMailbox' $Identity -ResultSize Unlimited | Sort-Object

$result = @()

# Counter for progress bar
$MailboxCount = ($Mailboxes | Measure-Object).Count
$count = 1

foreach ($Mailbox in $Mailboxes) {

    # Use Alias property instead of name to ensure 'uniqueness' passed on to Get-MailboxFolderStatistics
    $Alias = '' + $Mailbox.Alias

    $DisplayName = ('{0} ({1})' -f $Mailbox.DisplayName, $Mailbox.Name)

    $activity = ('Working... [{0}/{1}]' -f $count, $MailboxCount)
    $status = ('Getting folders for mailbox: {0}' -f $DisplayName)
    Write-Progress -Status $status -Activity $activity -PercentComplete (($count / $MailboxCount) * 100)

    # Fetch folders
    $Folders = @('\')
    $FolderStats = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics $Alias | Select-Object -Skip 1
    foreach ($FolderStat in $FolderStats) {
        $FolderPath = $FolderStat.FolderPath.Replace('/', '\')
        $Folders += $FolderPath

    foreach ($Folder in $Folders) {

        # Build folder key to fetch mailbox folder permissions
        $FolderKey = $Alias + ':' + $Folder

        # Fetch mailbox folder permissions
        $Permissions = Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $FolderKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        # Store results in variable
        foreach ($Permission in $Permissions) {
            $User = $Permission.User -replace "ExchangePublishedUser\.", ""
            if ($User -notlike 'Default' -and
                $User -notlike 'Anonymous' -and
                $Permission.AccessRights -notlike 'None' -and
                $Permission.AccessRights -notlike 'Owner') {
                $result += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Mailbox      = $DisplayName
                    FolderName   = $Permission.FolderName
                    Identity     = $Folder
                    User         = $User -join ','
                    AccessRights = $Permission.AccessRights -join ','

    # Increment counter

# Export to CSV
$result | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFile -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter ';'

This is how it looks in File Explorer.

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file scripts folder

The Get-MailboxPermissionsReport.ps1 PowerShell script does have the following options for exporting the permissions:

  • Option 1: Export mailbox folder permissions of a single user
  • Option 2: Export mailbox folder permissions of users that start or end with a given name
  • Option 3: Export mailbox folder permissions of the entire organization

Let’s have a look at the options in the next step.

Option 1: Export mailbox folder permissions of a single user

Run Exchange Management Shell as administrator.

Get specific mailbox folder permissions of a user. Fill in the display name or email address of the user mailbox. The exported CSV file will be in the same place as the script with the name MailboxPermissions_Single_User.csv.

C:\scripts\.\Get-MailboxPermissionsReport.ps1 -Identity "" -OutputFile "MailboxPermissions_Single_User.csv"

After running the above command, go to the scripts folder. Open the CSV file with the application Notepad.

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file Notepad

Open the CSV file with your favorite CSV file editor. For example, Microsoft Excel.

What you can see is that you don’t see the Sales folder in the list. That’s because the folder does not have any permissions configured.

Note: If there are no permissions configured on the folders, the folders will not be exported to the CSV file.

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file Excel

Option 2: Export mailbox folder permissions of users that start or end with a given name

This will look at the mailboxes starting with the name James. If you want to search mailboxes that end with a name, change the * to the front of the name. It will look like “*James” instead of “James*”.

The CSV file export will be in the same place where the script was started with the name MailboxPermissions_Multi_User.csv.

C:\scripts\.\Get-MailboxPermissionsReport.ps1 -Identity "James*" -OutputFile "MailboxPermissions_Multi_User.csv"

In the next step, we will get every user mailbox folder permissions in the organization and export it to a CSV file. It can take time if you have a large organization.

Option 3: Export mailbox folder permissions of the entire organization

Get all the mailbox folder permissions in the Exchange organization. This will export the mailbox folder permissions of all the user mailboxes in the Exchange organization to the file MailboxPermissions_All_Users.csv.

C:\scripts\.\Get-MailboxPermissionsReport.ps1 -OutputFile "MailboxPermissions_All_Users.csv"

Open the CSV file. We can see the mailbox folder permissions of all the user mailboxes in the organization.

Export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file all users Excel

Did this help you to get the mailbox folder permissions in Exchange Server and export it to a CSV file?

Read more: Create Active Directory Users from CSV with PowerShell »


You learned how to export mailbox folder permissions to CSV file. Make use of the Get-MailboxPermissionsReport.ps1 PowerShell script. Run the script to generate a CSV file with the mailbox permissions. Go to the location and open the CSV file with your favorite CSV file editor. Have a look at which mailbox folder permissions are configured.

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ALI TAJRAN is a passionate IT Architect, IT Consultant, and Microsoft Certified Trainer. He started Information Technology at a very young age, and his goal is to teach and inspire others. Read more »

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